Categories: Travel Updates

Wiebe Wakker

December 24, 2016


Day 278 | Saturday December 17

It was late last night and still weekend so we relaxed today and did some practical things. All my stuff from the car was in my host’s house now and I cleaned everything, throw some stuff away and reorganized it. I got a nice clean car now.

Day 279 | Sunday December 18

We went to see Rogue One – A Star Wars movie today. Not in a normal seat of course, because this is Dubai and here they make it next level. So we had a huge chair, with buttons! One to move it  into horizontal position so you could almost lay down and one button to ring the waiter. You can order ordinary popcorn or chips but also a beefsteak, sate or anything what you normal could get at a restaurant. Unbelievable. We both thought the movie itself was not so good but the experience made up for it.

Day 281 | Tuesday December 20

Today started with a meeting at the Consul-General of the Netherlands in Dubai. I was invited by Jeroen & Lotte who were very interested in my story. They invited Peter and Dena from the municipality of Dubai. They are very active her sustainability wise. Many events are taking place and a lot of interesting institutions can be found in the city. Dubai is the only of the 7 emirates that don’t have oil and because of that they are changing to renewable sources.

Peter & Dena are going to link me to these events and projects and on the 5th of February I might join them in the car-free day which they are organizing.

Day 282 | Wednesday December 21

I went for a lunch with Ben and Druv from the EVRT. I decided that I definitely will join them and we talked about how we can support each other. We both have the same goals so it seems and feels like a match made in heaven.

After lunch I dropped by a fuel station, to check the tire-pressure because what else can I do at a fuel station ;) A guy approached me and said “hey I am a Dutchie as well!” he already saw on Facebook that I was here and was surprised that he bumped into me. Spontaneously he invited me for dinner with a friend of him and I would meet them later today.

Around 6pm I wanted to go there but I had only 17% battery left. I could make it to their location but not back. I don’t have a keycard for public chargers yet so there was no possibility to charge. Oh well, I’m sure there is but it was not very certain. So we postponed it to another day.

About my last blogs

My last blogs haven’t been very rich of content or crazy stories. Am I not doing a lot? Actually I am working my ass off. I have a lot of work to catch up with, making videos from earlier interviews and writing about that. Also preparations for the coming weeks etc. Besides that I am doing some work, like real work for money. My personal bank account has reached to the minus level. Mainly because of health insurances I need to pay for. So now I am making video’s for clients to earn a little bit of money.