Today I reached a milestone, I am 100 days on the road. It feels like I just started yesterday. The first 100 were pretty amazing, let’s hope the next 100 will be just as great.
Yesterday, on my first day in Oslo many people told me I really had to visit the company Bellona. Apparently they did a lot with sustainability and e-mobility. Paal told me that their office was right at the other side of the hotel. I already send them an email and when I woke up this morning they told me I had to come to the office now to meet Frederic Hauge as he was very busy today. Frederic seemed to be kind of a legend in Norway. He has been an environmentalist since 30 years. He went to Russia to expose that the government was hiding nuclear reactor and did many more of these crazy things.
I was surprised to learn that he was also the reason why electric cars are so populair in Norway. In 1988 he bough an electric Fiat Panda together with some of the members of the popband A-ha. Yes really. They drove it around the country and didn’t want to pay for the toll ways. They collected all their fines and brought it to the government, then the government agrees to make tollways and ferries free for electric cars.
Frederic has been supporting EV’s since the beginning and drove it to Murmansk already in the 90’s, very impressive. He had just 30 minutes for me until but I could come back later in the night, he works 18-20 hours a day.
I went to Paal & Asmund’s Meshcraft’s / Current Eco’s office, located on the university. They explained me a bit more about how their app works.
Later I would return to Oyvind where I stayed earlier this week. I stayed there short as in the night I went back to Frederic. He was really cool. I explained him more about what I was doing and he tried to help me in as many ways he could. He has many contacts in Russia and said that he could get me a Visa. That’s a great thing as it’s really hard to get one and I have been working on that for the last weeks.